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The Global Water Crisis: challenges and opportunities

March 15, 2023
09:00 a.m. CDMX time

Vista panorámica de la presa


Being able to talk about the current challenges regarding water management, both nationally and locally, and that you from your place can share your experience with us.

In the same session, a professor from the Technological University of Israel is invited, who will talk about the experience of that country.

Likewise, the Officials who direct the Water Entities at the State and municipal level will be invited, the objective of this seminar is to continue the professionalization of said officials.

Lavándose las manos

Ran Weisman

Water Engineer


2004 to present

Division Manager, Strategic and international Projects ,PalgeyMaim LTD. Designing of water supply and wastewater systems, reservoirs and effluent reuse for irrigation.


2014 to present

Lecturer Technion Institute of Technology Course of Hydraulic Engineering and Reservoirs 2000-2004 Palstro, Israel. Designing of water supply systems for irrigation.

Ran Weisman


Water Engineer

2004 to present

Division Manager, Strategic and international Projects ,PalgeyMaim LTD. Designing of water supply and wastewater systems, reservoirs and effluent reuse for irrigation.


2014 to present

Lecturer Technion Institute of Technology Course of Hydraulic Engineering and Reservoirs 2000-2004 Palstro, Israel. Designing of water supply systems for irrigation.

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-22 at 1.40.31 PM.jpeg

Ran Weisman

Water Engineer

2004 to present

Division Manager, Strategic and international Projects ,PalgeyMaim LTD. Designing of water supply and wastewater systems, reservoirs and effluent reuse for irrigation.


2014 to present

Lecturer Technion Institute of Technology Course of Hydraulic Engineering and Reservoirs 2000-2004 Palstro, Israel. Designing of water supply systems for irrigation.

Free pass
7 days

“Today there is a water crisis.

But this crisis is not because we have too little water to meet our needs.
The crisis is because water management is so bad that billions of people and the environment  suffer tremendously.”

World Water Vision Report



4 billion people experience severe water scarcity for at least one month each year



Half of the world's population could live in areas facing water scarcity



700 million people could be displaced by the intense scarcity of water


1 in 4 children worldwide will live in an area of extremely high water stress



Let us begin

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